30 Second Hair Quizin Newport Beach

Which celebrity was it?

All of them! Yes it’s true. Ben, John, Matthew and many other celebrities have gotten hair transplants to keep their million dollar good looks intact.

StrandMD specializes in discrete celebrity quality hair transplants. We can help.

Thank you for taking the Hair Quiz!

One of our team members will contact you shortly. When we do, we’ll be able to answer your questions, discuss your needs and hopefully schedule you for a one on one consultation with one of our StrandMD doctors. We’re fortunately to be one of the leading hair restoration clinics in Southern California. From prevention to restoration we can help.

Request a Consultation

Get a private and personalized consultation with Dr. Anton in his beautiful practice in Newport Beach, CA.

20331 Irvine Avenue Suite E6, Newport Beach, CA 92660

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Call Today (949) 722-1967

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